Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daily Journal

Yes, I admit the 'daily' in this daily journal is not meeting it's expectations. I will work harder at that. No excuses. Everything is important at one moment or another.. prioritizing is the key.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daily Journal

A few days ago some changes started taking their place in my life. All of them haven't finalized but the beginning phases started. Some people I respect and admire spoke some very harsh and doubtful words about these changes. They tried to be encouraging, but in reality their words were very negative and painful for me. So naturally in my carnal self I began to become fearful of the upcoming changes. I began to think about all the what-ifs.. I became sullen, and angry at them and their words of doubt. I, by nature am not an avid facebook poster of my personal life. Yet on the day these words were spoken to me I posted my anger and hurt and frustration on there.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Daily Journal

I am back. Sorry to be gone soo long. Alot of changes are taking place and of course things have been very hectic. My struggling has become less and less. I slowed down on doing so many studies but increased my praying/talking with God excessively.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daily Journal

December 15, 2011

Today I am still feeling disconnected. Have a longing, a need inside of me yearning for fulfillment. Last night at church I needed a word, yet wasn't able to 'connect' with the lesson being taught. Wasn't able to get my 'word'. Why? Because I have yet to return fully to God, even after writing and reading my entry, KNOWING I must return to Him wholly. Yet I am still floundering like a fish out of water. Ahhh but I did get a word.. I just failed to recognize it.. And of course as I sit here pondering my writings to you, God recalls a verse from last night

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Daily Journal

December 7, 2011

Life has been very hard and long this week. I have been working alot and trying to stay caught up with my home duties. Yet only managed to stay behind.. Not much Bible studying either.. AND let me tell you I can feel myself sliding back into my old self, I can feel myself stepping away from God and trying to overcome and deal on my own. My mountains have quieted and and things have been running smooth, yet I can feel the 'time bomb' slowing ticking, waiting, burning in my gut..

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daily Journal

November 30, 2011

Tonight after church my daughter and I were talking about our thoughts and words again. This has been an ongoing subject in my home for over a month now. I told her about the verse in the Bible that says to set your mind on Godly things and you will become more Godly. She asked how could she do that. Around her neck was a pair of headphones attached to a mp3 player that she just received for her birthday, I asked her what she was listening to. She said Kryptonite. And then began to explain to me what the song was about. She told me she didn't think it was a bad song. I asked her if it was a christian song. She said no. I said does it mention God. She said no. I then explained to her how many youth her age identify with music alot and how if she was to change that one simple thing, to listen to christian songs, then that would help her to think on God and the things of God.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daily Journal

November 29, 2011

Greetings to all and I hope your Thanksgiving and this past week has been good to you. I hope everyone was able to find many things to be grateful for! God has shown me so many things I am thankful for.The greatest is the parable in the Bible about the king that forgave the servants great debt, $10 million! And how that very servant would not forgive a $20 debt. Which spoke volumes to me about HOW MUCH of a price Jesus paid for me, you and everyone.